Best quotes about tea

Everyone loves a good quality tea quote, don’t they? From inspirational to funny and generally heartwarming, tea quotes are everywhere so I was surprised that I couldn’t find one source that housed them all. Hence this article aims to collate all of the best tea quotes in one place. 

Comments are open at the bottom, so if I’ve missed your favorite, do add it at the bottom. I’m going to start with my favorite and move on to some of the best-known tea quotes. 

“You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea otherwise you’d be a mug.”

“Women are like tea bags, you don’t know how strong they are until they are in hot water”

"A cup of tea solves everything."

"Tea is liquid wisdom."

"A cup of tea is like a hug in a mug."

"There is no problem that a cup of tea cannot solve."

"A good cup of tea is like a warm blanket for the soul."

"Tea is the elixir of life."

"Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept."

"Tea is a ritual that brings calm to the chaos of daily life."

"There's nothing quite like a cup of tea to soothe the soul."

"Tea is a moment of tranquility in a chaotic world."