Afternoon Tea Surge in Lock down

It was reported in the BBC that the UK turned to delivery cream teas during the lock down period. Searches for ‘cream tea delivery’ and ‘afternoon tea delivery’ has soared higher than some popular take away foods. People have been also googling ‘afternoon tea near me’

While I think it is wonderful that there has been sustained interest in afternoon tea during this strict time where we all have to stay at home, I did have to raise an eyebrow at the article. I was surprised to see the captions under the photos describe the spread as a ‘cream tea.’ The photograph was of an afternoon tea!

If you are one of my newsletter subscribers you’ll know that I have talked in detail in the past of the differences and why it is important it to know what it is you’re ordering. Cream tea, afternoon tea and high tea are three very different things so if you are placing an order for afternoon tea to be delivered to your home - make sure you are ordering the right thing!

I have really been enjoying seeing all of your afternoon tea creations at home and thank you for tagging me in your photographs. Make sure to tag @Afternoontealondon on Instagram and Facebook.

Eileen Donaghey