National Tea Day 2023

National Tea Day is an annual celebration held in the United Kingdom on 21st of April. Tea has been a staple in British culture and has been enjoyed for centuries. National Tea Day was founded to celebrate this beloved drink and to educate people on the proper way to make a cup of tea.

One of the biggest questions that I am asked is ‘How to make a proper cup of tea?’ Making a cup of tea may seem like a simple task, but there are certain steps that must be followed to ensure that the tea is of good quality and tastes delicious. In the UK, the most popular tea is black tea and is usually in a teabag. So with that in mind, here are the steps to making a proper cup of tea.

1.      Boil water.

Fill a kettle or pot with fresh, cold water and bring it to a boil. If you are using tap water, let it run for a few seconds to refresh the water in the pipes. It is important to use freshly boiled water as it helps to release the flavour of the tea and for black tea it is important to only use boiled water. Did you know other types of tea require different temperatures?

 2.      Warm the teapot.

Pour a small amount of the freshly boiled water into the teapot and swirl it around. This will warm the teapot and help to keep the tea warm for longer. If you’re making tea in a cup, warm the cup in the same way.

 3.      Add the tea.

Yes, that’s right, it’s tea first. At this stage, you would absolutely not add milk, that comes later but for now, it’s tea only.

 4.      Pour in the water.

Pour the freshly boiled water over the tea and let it steep for around one to two minutes. The amount of time depends on the type of tea you are using, so refer to the instructions on the packaging. Tea that is in the bag will brew quicker compared to loose-leaf tea.

5.      Remove the tea.

Take out the tea bag or remove the tea strainer from the teapot. Leaving the tea bag in for too long can cause the tea to become bitter.

 6.      Add milk

If you prefer your tea with milk, add it to the cup before pouring in the tea. It is important to add the milk before the tea so that it can blend properly. If you’re making tea in the cup, the tea should be added last.

 If you like your tea sweet, add sugar to taste. Be careful not to add too much as it can overpower the flavour of the tea.

 7.      Enjoy your cup of tea!

Sit back, relax, and enjoy your cup of tea. Biscuits or cake is optional


National Tea Day is the perfect day to celebrate this beloved beverage and to learn how to make a proper cup of tea. So, grab your favourite tea and get brewing!


In addition to making a proper cup of tea, there are other ways to celebrate National Tea Day. Consider hosting an afternoon tea party with friends and family or trying out different types of tea.


National Tea Day is a great way to celebrate one of Britain's most beloved drinks. By following the proper steps to making a cup of tea, you can enjoy a delicious and flavourful beverage.  So, raise your teacup and cheers to National Tea Day!

Eileen Donaghey